Friday, September 28, 2012

Extra Credit Project
Biology w/ Mr Herlands

The facts:  Extra credit will be worth up to 10 points added to a quiz/test score
    • Available one time only per student per trimester
    • Score will be based mostly on content, partially on presentation of content (clarity, neatness)

The details: Students must do either a research paper (~2 pages) or a presentation (~5 minutes)
    • Research paper should: be typed, well-written, and organized; contain a title, paragraphs for separate ideas, thesis statement, transitions, and conclusion.
    • Presentation can take many forms: Powerpoint, poster, pamphlet, musical/song, etc, but must be focused on biology content

How & Why:  Topic and plan must get pre-approval by Mr. Herlands
    • Topic should be something you're interested in and want to learn more about anyway—it’s an extension—and it must have a biology focus
    • It’s your opportunity to teach teacher and classmates about something you’ve become     knowledgeable about

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