Sunday, December 9, 2012

Science in the News—Links

A new assignment for Trimester 2—over the next 12 weeks of school, each student will make one short presentation about something he/she finds interesting, is strongly science-centered, and is in the current science literature. The information must be new (i.e. "news").

You may search for science articles to present to your classmates from any reputable source on the internet or from science magazines or the newspaper, but here are some web links I recommend checking out:

New York Times Science Section
Science Daily
Scitable, from the journal Nature
The Journal Science
NPR Science Hompage
Scientific American Magazine

After choosing an article, you must:

1. Read the article
2. Look up some background material relating to the article that will help you understand the information better and help you explain it better to your classmates
3. Print out an image to show in class on Friday (or let Mr H know if you have an online image to show, so you can get it set up in advance)
4. Describe the content/findings of the article in front of class (~ 2-3 minutes)
5. Be prepared to answer several follow-up questions
6. Hand in a one paragraph summary of the article the day you present, including a reference for the website, magazine, or newspaper you got your information from

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