Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friday, May 31: Alternate Assignment

Below are two links to official government websites about invasive species in the state of Oregon.

Your task:  1. Choose one of the websites and dig deeply into a topic that interests you (like invasive species on tsunami debris) and look up articles or information that add onto this knowledge OR  2. Look through both sites and compare and contrast the type of information presented and the way it's presented.

Submit your response as a comment to this post. For full credit, it should be well-written and several paragraphs long, and you should cite all sources you use in your submission.

 Oregon Fish & Wildlife Invasives Page

Oregon Invasive Species Council


  1. Herlands- I chose to compare and contrast the websites. The Oregon Invasive Species Council was the first page I looked at. I didn't like it as much as the other one. It mostly just focused on hogs/swine as an invasive species. There was a lot of words, which made it sort of confusing to follow. There was also other website links to click on. The ODFW Oregon Invasive Species page was much more interseting. It listed many more species, especially aquatic. They were listed and you were able to click on it and explore further on that certain species. I thought it was very specific, organized and straight to the point. When comparing both websites, each one talk about the invasive swine. As well as the fact that both are made by the state of Oregon.

  2. Raam,ReeveI chose to compare the two websites. The first website I looked at was the Oregon fish and wildlife page. I did not like it. There were way to many links, and not enough general information. I tried to go to the big game page originally and there was just links to more links. This was frustrating because once I got to the actual information, the words were tiny and hard to read. Also they didn't really have good information, credible, I'm sure, but not very simple.
    The other site, I thought was much better The info was well placed, and they had a couple sentences about the link then more info on the next page, and it had big letters, and where there was a list of statistics, it was well introduced.
