Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thursday's Assignment: The Geologic Time Scale and Life on Earth

Today you'll be exploring what we know of the history of life on earth, from the beginning of the planet's formation 4.5 billion years ago (= 4,500,000,000 years ago) to the dawn of life (over 2 billion years ago) through all the changes that have lead to the world as we know it today. The understanding of radioactive decay and its use in radiometric dating has allowed scientists to put absolute dates on the fossil record, leading us to a better understanding of when changes took place, and giving us some new insights into how those changes may have occurred.

Your assignment for today is to:

1. Explore the websites below, one at a time.
2. On the geologic timeline handout, record what you learned about major events or changes of life on earth during each of the eras/periods/epochs. Both words and drawings can be helpful in illustrating these details. Be as neat as possible.

Click on the link below and take your time going through the interactive website as you explore geologic time, fossils, and major changes on the earth, taking relevant notes as you go:

Link 1—Geologic Time Interactive

Link 2—Geologic Time Interactive

Helpful Geologic Time Link 1

Helpful Geologic Time Link 2

Please keep your filled-out handout with you—don't turn it in yet. If you need to add to your work at a later time, you can always re-visit this blog to further work through the websites. We'll go over this assignment on Monday.

If you finish before the period is done, work through this interactive site about fossils:

Fossil Interactive Site

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