Sunday, June 2, 2013

Alternate Assignment: Monday, June 3 to Wednesday, June 5

If you are not able to participate in the invasive removal project Monday to Wednesday, you will complete an alternate assignment.

Below is a link to an article by famous food/nature writer Michael Pollan about our microbiome—the bacteria that inhabit our body, outnumber our own cells many times over, and are critical to our digestive health and many other aspects of our physiology. To get to the article, click on the link below:

Pollan: Microbiome Article, NY Times Magazine

Your job is to:

1. Read the article (all 8 pages)
2. Take notes about aspects of the article that are interesting to you or generally important
3. Do a little background research to understand some of the ideas better 
4. And create a short presentation (≈ 4-5 minutes) about the author and the content of his article on Powerpoint/googledocs/Prezi/etc., to present to your classmates on finals day (Thursday or Friday)